Work visually and innovate more in Jira, Confluence

Tam Nguyen
2 min readMar 17, 2021

Innovation is more and more important for companies. To stay competive in the market firms need to continously reinvent their business model, innovate new products. Design a new thing is a long journey, it consumes lots of time and effort.
Like engineers, doctors who are trianed to use tools, innovators need the right skills and tools to innovate.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. Spoken words are tangible and can be memorized in human’s brain memory temporarily. Capturing what’s been said as a visual picture helps you to replay the entire conversations and important context.Working visually helps you to see the bigger picture, gain clarity on complex topics and engage with your audience easily.

LeanBoard visualize anything

Run in Jira and Confluence, LeanBoard provides virtual tools to design such as canvases, sticky notes, markers, sketch etc. The best choice for teams who are using Jira or Confluence in their daily job and want to leverage design thinking process.

LeanBoard real-time collaboration

The product comes with rich built-in canvases for ideation, prototyping, validation, as well as decision-making visually. You can also create ans save your own templates.



Tam Nguyen

Tam is software developer at DevSamurai an IT company based in Tokyo Japan. Tam has 15+ years experience in Agile software development.